The Most Effective Teams

The Most Effective Teams

We think a lot about teams at Gather-ed. What makes them work well? Who makes the best team leaders? What’s the best team composition? We are always speaking with Group Leaders about ways to ensure that Gather-ed teams provide exemplary small-group learning...
The Power of Connections

The Power of Connections

Kimberly Casteline, Ph.D.Published On: December 30, 2021 As a Gather-ed group facilitator, I have the pleasure of interacting day-to-day with amazing clinicians as they collaborate and learn together on our platform. Working to design and implement learning...
The Joy of Mentoring

The Joy of Mentoring

A recent article in Advances in Medical Education and Practice pointed out that mentors can play a key role in developing clinical skills, modeling professionalism, stimulating interest in research, professional development, and more. In essence, clinicians need...