By Kimberly E. Casteline, Ph.D.
Published On: November 18, 2021

Theories in Medical Education Part 3Theories in Medical Education Part 3This is the third in a series of posts about learning theories in medical education. Each will focus on the question:

How can learning theories inform medical educational design?

This blog examines Personal Knowledge Mastery. Developed by Harold Jarche, this framework proposes a set of processes – Seek, Sense, and Share – that help individuals make sense of their world and work more effectively. Let’s look at each of these components:

Seeking is the process of knowledge discovery. It involves both pulling information from various sources and receiving information from others. What matters today is being connected to a wise network of trusted individuals who can help us filter useful information, expose blind spots and open our eyes.

Sensing is the personalization of knowledge once we’ve obtained it. It is achieved through reflection and putting into practice what we’ve learned.

Sharing is the exchange of knowledge with others, including ideas, resources, and experiences. We build respect and trust by being relevant when we share our knowledge with our social networks or a larger audience.

So how can this be applied to medical education?

Traditional education often emphasizes structured learning revolving around scheduled classes and formal evaluations. Whereas social networks utilizes the organic sharing of knowledge through networks. Medical education can combine these approaches by creating communities of learning featuring networks of learners that seek, sense, and share together for a more robust learning experience for all.